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member since 06/03/2022
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2 sx mini Q classes. It is a dual 18650 mod device regulate by the sx mini chip. I have 2 mods one is brown, the other is blue. The brown one is in a bit better condition as I used it far less. Each mod is $120, I will sell both for $200. Text me at 716-331-4000.
Buffalo, NY
Used Item Price is Negotiable
posted 2 years ago (901 views)
Ritual Machine Zombi the original hybrid mechanical mod. I have both the 18350 and 18650 battery options, sale includes both. The button housing has a couple chips, I dropped it once about 5 years ago.
Buffalo, NY
Used Item Price is Negotiable
posted 2 years ago (648 views)
Not original owner recieved this mod as a trade in 2015. Looking to sell quickly this mod went for over 400 when it was released, there is a crack on the glas button from original owner. Text at 716-331-4000.
Buffalo, NY
Used Item Price is Negotiable
posted 2 years ago (728 views)
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