About Us
A few years ago TheVapeTrader.com started out as a simple idea: to develop an easy to use platform for Vapers to Buy, Sell and Trade new and used Vape equipment. Why? Because as avid Vape hobbyists, collectors, and traders we saw a need for this ourselves and were sure others would too. As it turns out, many in the Vape community agreed and our site quickly became the go to resource for the vaping community to Buy, Sell, and Trade Vape equipment.

With the industries growth, as well as our own, we have worked hard to continue adding new features to make The Vape Trader website easier and safer to use for all. Today our platform is now available globally – connecting Vapers from around the World (wherever vaping use and import/export is legal). Aside from our flagship DIY Classified Advertising service, we also now offer 2 additional services: a direct buying program (quick cash!), and a 90 day consignment service. You can get started posting a classified ad here or by submitting our direct sell/consign form to see if your vape item/s qualify for these programs and to receive an offer from us. Additionally, near the end of 2017 we plan on launching an auction format similar to eBay (which has been in development for several months), to compliment our Classified advertising format.

Thank you for visiting and welcome to our Vape buying/selling/trading community!
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