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member since 04/01/2022
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$175.00 Kennedy Ruby 21
Brass kennedy ruby 21 all one piece lightly used. 9.5/10
Cuba, MO
Used Item Price is Negotiable
updated 2 years ago (1424 views)
I have a goon v1.5 rda in black. 9/10 condition
Cuba, MO
Used Item Price is Negotiable
updated 2 years ago (808 views)
I used this one time and decided the throw was too tight and it's just sat since.
Cuba, MO
Used Item Price is Negotiable
updated 2 years ago (933 views)
Og vaperz cloud copper x1 mech tube barely used because the throw was to tight for my tiny fingers.
Cuba, MO
Used Item Price is Negotiable
posted 2 years ago (722 views)
SOLD Mobb mini
I have a purple TI friendly flipper mobb mini for boro devices. Rrp 300.00 asking 275.00
Cuba, MO
Used Item Price is Negotiable
posted 2 years ago (655 views)
Had this about a month and dropped it. I sent it back to BB and they replaced the dna and sent it back. Ive decided to go with a more durable mod lol... the rrp for this billet is 299 I am asking 230. I also have a purple TI friendly flipper mobb mini rrp 300 asking 275 only used for a month. set of…
Cuba, MO
Used Item Price is Negotiable
posted 2 years ago (932 views)
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